The Center at 25.
A Celebration.
A Message from Terrance Kline, Esq.
On the Occasion of 25 Years of the Austrian Marshall Plan Center for European Studies
Photo by Elizabeth Leitzell
The Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies has been honored to support the work of Center Austria and its director, Guenter Bischof. For twenty-five years, Center Austria has elevated Austrian-American studies to new heights -- with student and faculty exchange programs, research, conferences and publications.
In many ways, Center Austria has been a model for our own work at the Botstiber Institute. We are deeply grateful to Guenter Bischof for his leadership in Austrian-American studies, including all his great accomplishments in New Orleans. Congratulations, Center Austria, on achieving this important milestone.
Terrance Kline, Esq.
Bostiber Foundation