Volume 30: Visual Histories of Austria
Edited by
Günter Bischof,
Martin Kofler,
and Hans Petschar
Visual histories in 19th and 20th century Austria are documented here, from court photography and nature photography to political photography. A single photo studio is analyzed documenting lives in Western Austria as well as a photo archive and its special collections regarding mountains. Imperial Austria is present in the pictures of court photographer Ludwig Angerer. Photos of wars figure heavily in this volume, from the brutal fighting in the Dolomites during WWI to National Socialism, concentration camps and the air war during WWII. Postwar life and the American presence in Austria are documented from the end of the war to the postwar occupation—seen through the lenses of U.S. star photographer Yoichi Okamoto. Also analyzed are cartoons and the role of exhibits in modern public diplomacy.